Saturday, March 16, 2024

“Practically perfect” – quote from Mary Poppins

  Every dog has their attributes and their deficits.  Their talents and their challenges.  You have come to know Charly’s, and that with her age these have morphed…mostly into more deficits and more challenges.  Except for one characteristic:  her poo.  It is “practically perfect in every way”.  It’s well-formed.  It’s consistent.  It has a healthy consistency.  It’s regular.  It’s predictably placed in one of three usual spots – always about a block away from our house.  Even as a senior dog!  My list of brags about my old dog becomes more truncated with every passing year, but “blue ribbon pooper” remains near the top.  (Maybe at the top). 

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Practically perfect…even at Hallowe’en

Let’s ponder OldDogBlogs “Practically perfect” from March 13, 2024 and “Brazen” from December 8, 2023.   Essentially, let’s just add them to...