Although Charly is completely deaf, she and I communicate masterfully. Am sure routines help us predict what each other wants or will do…having gauged each other’s expectations over the years. I know she loves a good-morning-hug in “her” room / my closet. I know she needs a belly rub every single day. I know her tummy is rumbly in the morning…she will vocalize to hurry the serving of breakfast. I know she likes to have a biscuit a few seconds before I leave for work as a good-bye gesture. She knows to have a post-breakfast-lie-down while my tea steeps before our walk. She knows to wait inside the garage even if the door is open, until I have my runners tied. She knows that she can ignore me for a few minutes to scout out packages with interesting contents before I am free from laces. She knows to stay close enough for me to easily clip on her collar and my waist leash. We move in unison – yes, partially because we are physically tied together! But also because we’ve danced this dance so many times. (Yes, both of us are well-trained).